Herbert Hofmann (HaoFuMan - 郝 福 满)
Geburtsjahr & -ort - Born & Town: 1956 Andernach, Germany at the beautiful Rhine River where tasty Riesling is grown and Loreley combs her hair
I cannot determine the meaning, Ich weiß nicht, was soll es bedeuten, of sorrow that fills my breast, ...... daß ich so traurig bin, ......
Wohnorte - Places of residence :
1956 - 1960 Bad Breisig, Germany
1960 - 1975 Brohl, Germany 1975 - 1977 Leimbach, Germany
1977 - 1980 Koblenz, Germany
1980 - 1984 Erlangen, Germany
1984 - 1986 Munich, Germany
1986 - 1987 Cherry Hill, NJ, USA
1987 - 2001 Munich, Germany 2001 - 2004 Alpharetta, Georgia, USA
2004 - 2007 Munich, Germany 2007 - today Shanghai, P. R. China
Familienstand - Marital status: Married
Beruf - Profession : Ingenieur/Engineer Hobby's: Tauchen/Scuba Diving, Fitness, Snowboarding, Motoradfahren/Motorbiking Reisen/Traveling